Tue 03 November 2009

Republican politician rips off Pythons
Legal action threatened over campaign ad
03/11/2009 … Members of Monty Python have threatened to sue a Republican politician after he illegally used a clip from the show in his campaign ad.

Mon 02 November 2009

My Shit Life So Far, by Frankie Boyle
02/11/2009 … Torn between buying one of the many showbusiness memoirs cramming the biography shelves of Waterstone’s this Christmas, or a joke-packed TV tie-in from the humour…

Ten new Jongleurs by 2011
Original owners have big plans
02/11/2009 … The founders of Jongleurs plan to open ten new comedy venues in the next two years.

02/11/2009 … BBC ONE's new Impressions Show with Culshaw and Stephenson attracted a respectable 4.