2015 Archives
Sun 08 November 2015

David Baddiel to write another children's book
Sounds a bit like an animal Quantum Leap...
08/11/2015 … David Baddiel is to write a third children's novel – about a boy who reincarnates as different animals.

Goodbye Peep Show, hello Josh
08/11/2015 … The comedy week ahead…Sunday November 8LIVE IN LONDON: It's the second day of the Chortle Comedy Book Festival at the magnificent art deco Hornsey Town Hall Arts…
Sat 07 November 2015

Like it or not, Dapper Laughs is what a feminist looks like
07/11/2015 … So, a year since his television show was cancelled by feminist outrage, that horribly sexist comedian Dapper Laughs (aka Daniel O'Reilly) has come out as a feminist.
Fri 06 November 2015

Ken Dodd gets Slapstick honour
06/11/2015 … KEN DODD is to be honoured at Bristol's Slapstick festival for vintage comedy next year.