2015 Archives
Fri 06 March 2015

Michael McIntyre's Easter special
06/03/2015 … MICHAEL McINTYRE is to host an Easter entertainment special for BBC One.

The BBC rejected it as they already had a sitcom with women in it...
Caitlin Moran on her C4 show Raised By Wolves
06/03/2015 … Tell us about Raised By WolvesMe and my sister Caz were part of a family of eight children who were home educated on a Wolverhampton council estate.

How not to be a boy
Robert Webb working on childhood memoir
06/03/2015 … Robert Webb is writing a memoir based on his boyhood and adolescence – as well as working on a new sitcom with David Mitchell.

Why I'm joining Equity
And all other comedians should too, says Paul Ricketts
06/03/2015 … Comedians (me especially), love to moan – in cars, onstage, backstage, on Twitter & Facebook, Chortle and most recently at meetings.

Bad Jews advert banned
Tube bosses fear 'widespread offence'
06/03/2015 … London Underground has banned a poster for the comedy play Bad Jews — because it 'may cause widespread or serious offence'.

'My greatest heckling experience'
06/03/2015 … • Seann Walsh will – inshallah – finally play a gig in Hertford tomorrow – six months after cancelling the show last-minute when he got on a train to Hereford…