2015 Archives
Thu 20 August 2015

Pat Cahill: Panjandrum
20/08/2015 … The smaller room at the Hive already has the feel of an Anderson shelter, which gives Pat Cahill's wartime themed show an extra authenticity.

Aidan Strangeman: Horsey
20/08/2015 … It makes a lot of sense that Aidan Strangeman used to be a singer-songwriter.

Sean McLoughlin: Whatever It Takes
20/08/2015 … Fate has most definitely crapped on Sean McLoughlin in the last 12 months.

Luke McQueen: Double Act
20/08/2015 … There’s a desperation to Luke McQueen’s comedy that is reminiscent of Nick Helm.

David Tsonos: Walking The Cat
20/08/2015 … Talking about your pet cat for an hour and making it funny is quite impressive, unless you’re playing to an entire audience of feline haters.

Andrew Lawrence: Uncensored
20/08/2015 … He’s probably Britain’s most reviled comic, at least among other comics.

Erich McElroy's Imperfect Guide To Picking The Perfect President
20/08/2015 … So intense is US media coverage of next year's presidential election already that Erich McElroy seems positively tardy in performing this show a mere 15 months…