2013 Archives
Tue 11 June 2013

Smack The Pony to return?
11/06/2013 … Smack The Pony could be heading for a comeback.

The Boosh are back
Fielding and Barratt reunite for US gig
11/06/2013 … The Mighty Boosh are reuniting for the first time in four years.

From Steve Bennett at Downstairs At The King's Head, London
11/06/2013 … Television has long distrusted a straightforward stand-up routine, devising formats such as panel shows to mix up the formula.

Agent signs BGT comic Jack Carroll
11/06/2013 … BRITAIN’S GOT TALENT runner-up Jack Carroll has been signed up by a top comedy agent.

ITV wants more Plebs
Second series to be shot this autumn
11/06/2013 … ITV2 has ordered a second series of its Ancient Roman sitcom Plebs.