2013 Archives
Mon 19 August 2013

Christian Reilly: Songs Of Praise
19/08/2013 … Christian Reilly wouldn't be the first rocker aiming to bring world peace through song.

Michael Fabbri: Buffering
19/08/2013 … Introducing his show with some admissions of weakness – his bad memory, dyslexia and experience of being punched at last year's festival, Michael Fabbri establishes…

Jessica Fostekew: Moving
19/08/2013 … Appropriately enough, Jessica Fostekew started this show, nominally about co-habiting and homemaking, with some housekeeping, since it’s impossible to maintain…

Comics take to the streets for gay rights
Protest gig at Russian consulate
19/08/2013 … Mark Thomas is to stage a protest gig outside the Russian consulate in Edinburgh in protest at the erosion of gay rights.

Think big, and reward the little guy
Dan Willis makes a nomination for Edinburgh's Panel Prize
19/08/2013 … Right, I’ve an hour or so spare, and I’ve been reading Chortle Correspondents’ articles – hell I’ve even been reading four- and five-star reviews, happily…

Remembering Les Dawson
Ray Peacock to host three-hour tribute
19/08/2013 … Ray Peacock is to host a three-hour celebration of the work of Les Dawson.

Funny at 30,000ft
19/08/2013 … LEE NELSON and Joe Lycett have been named as the comics who will be performing on Virgin Atlantic’s Heathrow to Edinburgh flights.