2012 Archives
Sun 26 August 2012

Trodd en Bratt: Fringe 2012
26/08/2012 … Lucy Trodd and Ruth Bratt have a nice dynamic alternating between what are clearly The Sketches and interludes where they play heightened versions of themselves.

Discover Ben Target: Fringe 2012
26/08/2012 … This is the sort of mad experience – ‘show’ doesn’t seem to be quite the right word – that ought to be part of everyone’s Fringe.

Jonny and the Baptists: Fringe 2012
26/08/2012 … This may be a triumph of exuberance over material – but it’s a pretty comprehensive victory.

Toby Hadoke: Fringe 2012
26/08/2012 … After spending so much of his childhood glued to Dr Who, Toby Hadoke was told that such a frivolous obsession would get him nowhere.

Four Screws Loose: Fringe 2012
26/08/2012 … As their ‘bonkers; moniker suggests, Four Screws Loose are a bunch of wired, gurning, day-glo clowns who will go deaf before they turn 30 if they play their music…

Casual Violence: Fringe 2012
26/08/2012 … A succession of lively, recurring sketches, A Kick In The Teeth doesn’t always deliver on the promise of its high-concept set-ups.