2011 Archives
Thu 05 May 2011

E4 signs Midnight Beast & Cardinal Burns
05/05/2011 … Sketch duo Cardinal Burns and internet sensations The Midnight Beast have both landed new comedy series on E4.

Björk And Mindy?
BBC to air its first Icelandic sitcom
05/05/2011 … Britain is to import its first ever Icelandic sitcom.
Wed 04 May 2011

If you can't stand the heat...
Matt Rudge on summer Edinburgh previews
04/05/2011 … Rejoice! The heat wave has arrived! Outside the weather is wonderful, find the factor 15.

Stand puts its Fringe tickets on sale
04/05/2011 … The Stand has become the first Edinburgh Fringe venue to put tickets to all its shows on sale.

Fist Of Fun to be released on DVD
04/05/2011 … Stewart Lee and Richard Herring’s Nineties TV show Fist Of Fun is finally to be released on DVD for the first time.