2011 Archives
Mon 11 April 2011

Writer's block says you're doing something wrong
LCWF: Veteran producer Jon Plowman
11/04/2011 … LONDON COMEDY WRITERS' FESTIVAL: Don’t become a writer unless you have something to say, one of Britain’s top comedy producers has warned.

Radio: where comedy can fail
LCWF: Writers get second chances
11/04/2011 … LONDON COMEDY WRITERS' FESTIVAL: Radio gives comedy writers a licence to fail, according to one of its top names.

The key to a comedy career...
LCWF: Robert Popper's unusual tip
11/04/2011 … LONDON COMEDY WRITERS' FESTIVAL: The key to getting into comedy: be persistent but don't be a pest.

Truth be told, I don't mind if comics lie
Rob Alderson shares his bugbear
11/04/2011 … In the past week, and I swear this is true, I have seen four comedians, ranging from good to excellent, and I swear to God, each one over-seasoned their sets with…
Sun 10 April 2011
Sat 09 April 2011

09/04/2011 … RUSSELL BRAND has appeared on American Idol to offer contestants advice on charisma, telling them: 'I've come here to talk to you about performance, stage presence,…
Fri 08 April 2011

Acceptable in the Eighties
Stewart Lee curates nostalgic line-up
08/04/2011 … Stewart Lee is curating a show aimed at capturing the spirit of the early years of alternative comedy.