2011 Archives
Mon 14 February 2011

Radio hosts try stand-up
Tony Blackburn etc in Comic Relief stunt
14/02/2011 … Six of the BBC’s top radio presenters – including Tony Blackburn and Jenni Murray – are to try their hand at stand-up.

Arabella Weir: The Real Me Is Thin
14/02/2011 … Perhaps ironically for a show about body image, Arabella Weir’s show – or barely glorified book reading, as it should more accurately be billed – offers…
Sun 13 February 2011

It came from outta Spaced
Simon Pegg and Nick Frost on Paul
13/02/2011 … The notoriously rainy English climate has wreaked havoc on the schedule of more than one film production.

BBC One's sweary new sitcom
13/02/2011 … A new BBC One sitcom has caused a storm over bad language before it has even been broadcast – for containing the F-word more than once a minute.

13/02/2011 … One thing we know for sure, should aliens ever come to live among us – they will be wise-cracking comedians.