2008 Archives
Mon 04 August 2008

04/08/2008 … THE BBC's governing body has censured Michael Palin's New Europe: War And Peace following a complaint that he gave an inaccurate account of the Balkan Wars which…

Robin Williams hits the road
04/08/2008 … Robin Williams is to embark on his first stand-up tour in six years.

Harry reveals his nuts
04/08/2008 … Harry Hill is launching his own brand of salted peanuts.
Sun 03 August 2008

Bernie Mac in critical condition
...but rumours of his death are scotched
03/08/2008 … American comedian Bernie Mac is said to be in a ‘very, very critical’ condition after being admitted to a Chicago hospital with pneumonia.

Billy's Arctic role
Connolly tackles Northwest Passage
03/08/2008 … Billy Connolly is embarking on a new travel series, navigating the Northwest Passage.

Peter Kay can make you fat
Comic's DVD used in diet research
03/08/2008 … Watching Peter Kay can make you fat, researchers have found.