BBC Northern Ireland unveils new comedy shorts | With Ciarán Bartlett and other local stand-ups © BBC

BBC Northern Ireland unveils new comedy shorts

With Ciarán Bartlett and other local stand-ups

Northern Irish comedians have made two new series of comedy shorts for the BBC. 

In Comedians In Chippies Getting Fatter, stand-up Ciarán Bartlett joined by Shane Todd, Diona Doherty, William Thompson and Colin Murphy as they dine out at some of Bartlett favourite eateries in Belfast. 

Across the four episodes – inspired by Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee – the comics ‘take a trip down memory lane, talk about Northern Ireland’s thriving  comedy scene and at how their careers to go from strength to strength’.

The series starts  at 11.40pm tonight on BBC One Northern Ireland, with all 15-minute episodes then available on BBC iPlayer.

Meanwhile, stand-Up From The Sunflower, which starts in the same slot on February 19, features up-and-coming acts and established Northern Ireland stand-ups filmed in front of a live audience in the Belfast bar.

Eddie Doyle, head of content commissioning for BBC Northern Ireland said: ‘We know there is a wealth of creative talent here in Northern Ireland and we’re very excited to be bringing these fresh comedy shorts to viewers. 

‘We’re proud to be giving the next generation of talent a platform, with many of the performers making their first appearance on television.’

Published: 23 Jan 2024

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