Malcolm Hardee winners announced
For originality, publicity stunt and earning potential
The winners of the Malcolm Hardee Comedy Awards have been announced at the Edinburgh Fringe.
Michael Brunström, pictured said he was 'chuffed to bits' to have won the award for comic originality; while soundtrack composer and musical comedian Laurence Owen won the award for 'act most likely to make a million quid'.
And the 'cunning stunt' category for best publicity idea went to Matt Roper for hacking Scotsman critic Kate Copstick's Facebook account and apologising that a three-star review of his show had been a misprint and should have been five stars.
It echoes one of Hardee’s most famous Fringe stunts, when he, with Arthur Smith, wrote a glowing review of his own show and submitted it to The Scotsman under the name of their comedy critic William Cook – which they then published.
The awards were announced last night at the Counting House – where Chris Lynam performed his signature routine of lighting a firework between his buttocks as Ethel Merman's There’s No Business Like Show Business plays. The performance set off the building’s smoke alarm.
Malcolm Hardee, the ‘godfather of British alternative comedy’ drowned ten years ago, in 2005.
Published: 29 Aug 2015