Richard Herring: Why I'm skipping Edinburgh
...and performing 12 different solo shows in London instead
Richard Herring has confirmed his plans to skip Edinburgh this year and instead perform 12 different hour-long shows in London.
The comic has been dubbed the 'King Of Edinburgh' after appearing at 23 of the last 28 Fringes, including a different stand-up show every year for the last 11 years.
But this year, as Chortle first reported on New Year's Day, he will perform all 11 over six weekends at London's Leicester Square Theatre, starting as the Fringe kicks off on August 7.
And at the end he will premiere his new hour show Happy Now?
The 11 old shows are: Christ on a Bike, Talking Cock, The Twelve Tasks of Hercules Terrace, Someone Likes Yoghurt, Ménage A Un, Oh Fuck I'm 40, The Headmaster's Son, Hitler Moustache, What is Love, Anyway?, We're All Going To Die! and Lord of the Dance Settee.
Herring said: 'As much as I love the Fringe, it has become an over-crowded marketplace.
'Last year I found myself competing with new acts charging nothing on the Free Fringe and big TV names. I couldn't blame people for parting with cash for comedians they knew well and taking their chances on shows they didn't have to pay for. It made it a Lot tougher for all the acts in the middle.
'But mainly I resented paying £3,000 to stay for a month in a flat that might charitably be called "studenty". It struck me that I could make the market less over-crowded and stay for "free" in my own house, if I premiered my new show in London.
'And to add to that a retrospective of my entire solo career is an exciting challenge and a chance to assess where I've come from and where I am going to. The span takes me from post-BBC Two "fame", through some wilderness years, where I was directionless, alone and afraid my career might be over, to meeting and then marrying my wife and this year having my first child.
'My new show, Happy Now? Will question whether complete contentment is possible or desirable and attempt to debunk the argument that having children removes a comedian's edge.
'It will be particularly satisfying if you've followed my internal struggles in the previous 11 shows. Though I am not looking forward to welcoming back the Hitler Moustache on to my upper lip, even for 90 minutes.'
Tickets are on sale now, with a package deal of £100 to see all 12 shows.
Herring first performed at the Fringe in 1987 and 1988 as a student, returning in 1992, first with comedy plays and from 2001 onwards with his stand-up shows, missing only 2000 and 2003 in all that time.
Published: 13 May 2015