Al Murray to publish a political tract
Book deal to coincide with election campaign
Pub Landlord Al Murray has signed a book deal to publish his political manifesto.
Let's Re-Great Britain will be released on April Fool's Day – a month before he stands for election in Nigel Farage's constituency.
And publishers Penguin are boasting that it will rank alongside Plato's Republic, John Stuart Mill's On Liberty and Thomas Paine's The Rights of Man.
Murray is standing for his own Free United Kingdom Party (FUKP) in the constituency of South Thanet.
> 'There is room in the bland world of British politics for someone who isn't afraid of standing up being an actual character,' he said. 'A character not afraid to cut through the waffle of modern politics, not afraid to tell you the things he reckons you want to hear.'
Let's Re-Great Britain promises insights into FUKP, including its proposed Cabinet – Secretary of State for Health: Charlie off of Casualty, Chancellor of the Exchequer: Jimmy Carr – the inspirational 'Great Britons' who have guided The Guv'nor's political journey (Sralan 'Lord Sugar', Dame Katie Hopkins) and its election strategy that targets the new key swing voters of Aldi Mum, Crawley Man and Hospice Gran.
The book is released on April 1, priced £8.99 Click here to preorder a copy from Foyles priced £6.93.
Published: 5 Mar 2015