Edinburgh 10x10: 5. Get in the sea!
10 comedians who have been photographed in a body of water
Ever had an idea then found out it's not quite as original as you first thought…
1. Markus Birdman
Stand-up stalwart Birdman took his cue from the title of his ninth Edinburgh show, Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea, for his official image (above).
Laughing Horse @ Bar 50
2. Laura Davis
Laura Davis usually has one of the more intriguing shows of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, and this year was no exception. But she has never made it to Edinburgh before now – in fact, she's never even been out of Australia for any reason. But her inventive, confessional, idea-packed show, Cake In The Rain, should be just what Fringe audiences are looking for. Here's our review from Melbourne.
Underbelly Med Quad, 20:10
3. Robin Ince
He was getting in the sea a decade ago, to promote Robin Ince Isn't Waving, a show about losing most of his possessions, including over 1,500 vinyl records, in a flood at his London flat while he was performing at the Fringe.
This year, after allegedly retiring from stand-up, the co-host of Radio 4's Infinite Monkey Cage has got two shows: Rorschach Test, which is 'probably about art and making things' at Gilded Balloon at the Museum at 13:30; and Pragmatic Insanity, which is even more vague about what it may contain, in Stand 2 at 18:20. Both shows run only to the 13th.
4. Douglas Walker
Douglas Walker also has two shows… kind of. Zuschauer (which means 'spectator' in German) is about whether an audience can change a show just by watching it. Very quantum – and on at Underbelly George Square at 22:40.
Douglas Walker Has A Nice Sit Down, on the other hand, has him just sit down in a random location and invite people to join him. Times and guests vary, but are revealed on Twitter (@Douglassits)
5. Rob Auton
Rob Auton was barely trying when he only went up to his ankles for the photo for The Water Show in 2015. This year he presents The Hair Show at Just The Tonic @ The Caves at 15:55
6. Danny McLoughlin
Ah, the arty black and white version for Danny McLoughlin's 2014 show. He's back this year with a show about how he was in 2001, leaving sixth form with a solid idea of how to live… which didn't quite work out.
Just The Tonic @ The Tron, 21:00
7. Tommy Tiernan
Not sure what lake this is, below left… but it looks cold. Tommy Tiernan's back with more of his wild-eyed philosophy, delivered with fervour at Gilded Balloon Teviot at 19:30.
8. Jess Robinson
The super-talented musical impressionist, above right, cuts a rather more goddess-like image as she emerges from the water in her publicity photo. Her show this year, Unravelled, is at Underbelly George Square at 19:00.
9. Good Girl
Cheating by using a swimming pool. But going all in for the totally submersed shot, Naomi Sheldon is promoting her storytelling show which promises 'a bold, provocative look at the darker side of being a good girl'.
Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 13:00
10. Phil Jerrod
The declamatory stand-up has gone for the horizontal approach for his poster image this year, a literal interpretation of his title Submerged as he is 'still just about keeping his head above water in a world that's gone mad'.
Pleasance Courtyard 20:30
See also Greg Davies, Robert Newman and Dave Hughes, none of whom are at the Fringe.. And like so many things in comedy, Peter Cook did 'standing in the sea' first.
Published: 21 Jul 2017