After a year or so of performing his mischievous songs (to three miners and a dog) in the Western Australian mining town of Kargoorlie, some of Kev’s mates suggested he record his songs so that they could show their friends.
Twenty years, countless live gigs and millions of album sales down the track, Kevin Bloody Wilson has not only found his niche, he’s grabbed a deckchair and he’s made himself really bloody comfortable in it!
Kev’s songs match the Kalgoorlie landscape, dry and unforgiving. These songs are uniquely Australian, and yet year after year, album after album, tour after tour, people from all corners of the globe keep laughing their guts out at Kevin Bloody Wilson’s completely authentic and original body of work.
Upcoming Dates
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Kevin Bloody Wilson Dilligaf tour
From even the slimmest knowledge of Kevin Bloody Wilson’s reputation, you’d probably know what to expect.