Frank Skinner, one of the country's finest and funniest comedians, returns to live stand-up, a decade since he played his last major live gig - to a record-breaking packed house at London's Battersea Power Station.
Over the last ten years Frank Skinner has become a predominant name in entertainment, starring in numerous smash hit TV comedy shows, including Fantasy Football, The Frank Skinner Show, and Baddiel and Skinner Unplanned.
Frank's prolific career to-date has also seen him top the UK best-sellers book charts; attain two number one hits with the football anthem Three Lions alongside David Baddiel and The Lightning Seeds; and, most recently, create an online sensation with close to one million downloads of the Baddiel and Skinner World Cup podcasts.
Now you can experience Frank's wicked sense of humour in this completely uncensored, totally live, and positively hilarious brand new show. Book now to avoid disappointment.
Upcoming Dates
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When Frank Skinner ill-advisedly chose the glaring spotlight of the Montreal comedy festival to launch his stand-up comeback after a decade away, the result was…