Enter the dragon! Or maybe don't. At least ask first. Made in Coventry. Seven-time Edinburgh Fringe veteran, seen on Never Mind the Buzzcocks and Booze Britain. 'If you're a TV executive… see her now' (Skinny). 'Superb!' (Nodding Dog Comedy). Stella’s becoming a dragon. She breathes fire and has scales under her feet. Bathroom scales… She flies down the motorway and screeches at middle-lane drivers. She’s from a long line of dragons. Therapy surely helped, right? Did she find a brave dragon tamer? A seven-time Fringe veteran, she's always gold. The funniest half-Sri Lankan gal from Coventry.
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Having hit her early 40s, Stella Graham worries that she's turning into her mother, the 'dragon' of her show title, an intimidating, indomitable woman…