Later! Ruder! Sillier! 'Wickedly funny... Exhilarating! ****1/2 (Age). World-class stand-up from one of live comedy's internationally acclaimed masters! Star of Apollo and Royal Variety, and off-Broadway smash-hit. 'Classic nonsense... Stand-up comedy at its best' (Scotsman). 'Comedy of the highest order... Inspired!' (Independent). 'Always, always funny' (Herald Sun). 'Jimeoin recalls the familiar at a fantastically silly level, boiling his audience down to tear-filled, gibbering mess' (Scotland on Sunday). 'Hilarious... If laughter is the best medicine, Jimeoin is a course of steroids... Don't you miss it!' (Edinburgh Evening News). 'It gets no better than this... Hilarious!' (Time Out).
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