Henry found himself in a Travelodge, lunching on a can of John West Mediterranean Style Tuna Salad. A can of salad. His hopes were not high and yet, as he peeled back the lid, the unspeakable smell that hit his face, made him question two things, 1: the wisdom of buying lunch from a vending machine and 2: whether life was all it was cracked up to be. A show about expectation meeting reality, and it making you want to gag. ‘Scales impressive comedy peaks throughout this entertainingly twisty solo hour’ **** (Guardian).
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Henry Paker: Man Alive at Soho Theatre
They don’t write love songs for married people, Henry Paker notes, setting up a routine about how the best part about being in a relationship is when you’re…
By rights, the multi-talented Henry Paker ought to be far better known than he is.