London. Paris. Coventry. Joe Sutherland started from the bottom, now he's... here. This is the tale of a former model turned aspiring model, chasing fame at any cost. From the depths of poverty to the heights of the fashion industry, to the middles of a temp agency. Less rags-to-riches, more would-like-to-meet-riches. As seen (briefly) in the movie Pride and supporting Ellie Taylor on tour, now he's willing to do anything to catch his big break. Honestly, anything. Stand-up, sketches and tantrums in this romping debut show from a fast-rising star.
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Joe Sutherland: Actress, Model
It may be Joe Sutherland’s Fringe debut, but you already know his type: aloof and superior, commanding you to behold his magnificence as he pours scorn on…