Seymour Mace Niche as F*ck! Here’s my hundred words, well ninety one now, make that eighty seven, bugger! Eighty three! Eighty! Phew, shit! Seventy nine! Eight! Seventy two! Space, ninja, chicken, skellington, gravy, frog, fruit, super, fantastic, circus, strange, journey, monster, mystery, ghost, caravan, clown, death, electric, chaos, potato, balloon, nipple, elephant, chocolate, beans, fudge, laser, dimensional, fart, rocket, jam, hen-like, crazy, golf, juggernaut, sausage, farmyard, toast, Elvis, werewolf, slurp, egg box, emotion, tit-box, wagon, pirates, shitpants, dead dog, fatty, plop, plop, cheesecake, birthday murder…niche as f*ck! ***** (GiggleBeats.co.uk). **** (Chortle.co.uk). **** (List). seymourmace.co.uk
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The day after the Foster’s award nominations come out, there’s an elephant in Stand 2.