Despite the impediments of originating from Leamington Spa, being privately educated, and turning out to be just a normal guy, Stuart has spent his whole life desperately trying against all odds to be interesting. Nearly everyone he knew at school is now a doctor, a lawyer or an executive of some kind and he can never afford to go to their weddings, which are always on some ludicrous Scottish island. He looks and sounds like an awfully nice young man despite feverish efforts to be otherwise./p>
He’s tried everything you could possibly think of (and a few things that you definitely won’t have) in his efforts to break free of the burdensome yoke of normality, and…/p>
It sort of worked…almost
This is the story of what happened when he tried to be himself instead.
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Stuart Goldsmith: The Reasonable Man
A nice boy from Leamington Spa – a place so dull he fails to muster any childhood memories at all – Stuart Goldsmith explains how he has spent his whole life…