Andrew Bird was born with a massive handicap. He’s white, English, straight and male and he’s spent his whole life trying to make it up to everyone around him.
He has overcompensated, spending much too much time and effort tiptoeing over the eggshells of today’s social politics. Trying too hard to make everyone like him and not view him as just another fully paid up member of England’s ‘lad culture’. This has only made things far worse.
His recent marriage to Slovakian, Katka, means he now feels that he has to apologise for himself on an international level as well. He even converted to Catholicism to gain acceptance with his wife’s family, who having witnessed the typical behaviour of the white, English, straight male, were quite frankly appalled by her choice of husband.
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Andrew Bird complains that he has ‘no identity; no image; nothing’ – which is something of a drawback for a Fringe comedian looking to make an impact.