Bob Downe: 20 Golden Greats
Note: This review is from 2011
Review by Julia Chamberlain
This was an unexpected pleasure! I was expecting to sneer my way through this, but you’d have to be a committed miseryguts not to succumb to cheesy crooner Bob Downe’s simple charm.
What people might criticise him for – having just three expressions, with which to gurn (rictus, cross eyes and artful, winning gamin grin) is also him using what he’s got to maximum effect, plus a ton of pan stick, a pretty good singing voice and the finest acrylic wigs available for a tenner.
Do not scorn the MOR entertainer, don’t be a snob and pre-judge (as I was ready to do), this is a proper Pick Me Up of a show, a guilty pleasure for anyone who thinks they’re a bit too cool for this.
Good – no, great – songs, some gentle camp humour with a certain amount of audience of interaction, where importantly nobody is embarrassed or made to feel stupid. He’s a delightful character a sweet, friendly drag act who isn’t pretending to be a woman, a proper contradiction.
If you think that you remember Bob Downe from ITV yonks ago, expunge that memory and just come and enjoy some of comedy easy listening for an hour, exit refreshed.
Review date: 14 Aug 2011
Reviewed by: Julia Chamberlain