Young Man Dressed As A Gorilla...
Note: This review is from 2010
Review by Cara Sandys
In the absence of Mark Watson's marathon shows this year, perhaps the next best seminal Fringe experience is to watch a guy in a gorilla suit sitting in a rocking chair for 56 mins.
Billed as the sequel to the 2009 show, this was a one off event which sums up the fleeting transience of the festival. An enthusiastic crowd watched the performer’s every move as he rocked back and forth, sometimes slowing down then lifting the tempo and rocking faster, causing the audience to cheer with excitement.
Every nuance was acknowledged as the gorilla tapped his pipe or drummed on his big, fat, hairy legs or crossed his feet. I was tempted to go up to the stage and offer a banana I had in my bag, but wasn't sure if I should break the fourth wall without invitation.
Part performance, part art but with a strong social comment perhaps on the daftness of many fringe shows as well as having the longest title of any performance at the festival, this was a show where you just had to say you were there. Needless to say, many people will be counting the days to Part Three next year. Bring it on!
Review date: 30 Aug 2010
Reviewed by: Cara Sandys