Stephen K Amos at Latitude 2010
Note: This review is from 2010
Review by Steve Bennett
What can we say about Stephen K Amos that we haven’t said before? This is his bulletproff ‘best of’ set for the festival, a few bits of well-rehearsed crowd banter mixed with similarly tried-and-tested material.
Some of the audience jibes, especially those assuming the target is peculiarly posh or young, might be showing their age, but even if one of his punchlines could easily be reworked to suggest he’s got gags older than the teenagers in the tent, the jokes still work. After all, he delivers them as if they were freshly minted, while his upbeat, likeable demeanour works wonders.
He’s at his best when gently challenging outdated attitudes to race, whether it comes from a tactless Adelaide DJ to Prince Harry. He does this not through angry polemic but by gentle teasing.
The good humour and light touch which pervades these stories, as well as his general ribbing, are all about ‘the feelgood factor’, as he might put it, ensuring it’s always a delight to spend time in his company.
Review date: 25 Jul 2010
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett