Alfie Moore – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2008
Review by Steve Bennett
Full-time policeman and part-time comic, Alfie Moore is more of an anecdotalist than a comedian, but his profession has provided him with more than enough raw material.Though a relative rookie, he has a nice, relaxed style – a roomful of strangers perhaps one of the lesser intimidations he’s faced – which combines with the inherent interest in the on-the-job stories to make him someone you just want to listen to.
With few actual punchlines – a run-through of some Lidl brand names notwithstanding – the standard ten-minute slot for newish acts such as Moore doesn’t seem enough to hear all of his experiences and thoughts on political-correct policing.But wanting to hear more from a new comedian is no bad thing.
There’s no way of escaping this conclusion: he’s an arresting storyteller.
Review date: 31 Oct 2008
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett