Mick Sergeant – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2008
Review by Steve Bennett
Mick Sergeant is a former shipyard worker who lost his job, then the love of his life. Donna. But, determined to look on the bright side despite the bitterness and anger gnawing away at him like ebola, he enrolled on a comedy course and is now making his way on the circuit… although he does tend to use his stage time to voice his considerable list of beefs, many of which involve his ex-wife who dumped him for being so depressing.It’s not immediately apparent that Geordie Sergeant is a character act – and that’s to the credit of his creator Lee Fenwick, best known for being half of spoof German techno band Die Clattershenkenfietermaus. Here he has established a believable, layered personality, rich with subtle touches and – more crucially – great gags.
There are some knowing in-jokes about the insecurities and dysfunctions that drive some people to comedy, as well as swipes the conventions of stand-up. But mostly this is a darkly hilarious look at a pathetic shell of a man over-optimistically trying to convince himself all is well, even though his once-secure life has crumbled around him.
He possibly belongs in a sitcom more than he does on a stand-up stage, but it’s still an hilarious and beautifully-drawn character, suggesting Fenwick could well be the next Steve Coogan or Rob Brydon. And his creation is bastard funny, as Sergeant himself would say.
Review date: 27 Oct 2008
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett