Scooby – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2007
Review by Steve Bennett
Scooby’s energy is at the bottom of the scale, with a monotone deadpan – or at least that is what he’d have you believe. But then he switches into a parody of a bad black, Def Comedy Jam-style American female comic, forever squawking about oral sex; pulling the metaphorical rug from under the audience.He has a couple more great jokes that equally wrongfoot the listener – one about a digital pregnancy tester proving an instant classic. As a newcomer, he’s not yet consistent, with a set that’s saddled with a couple of longwinded routines that test the patience, most noticeably the one delivered in the style of a Scottish weather forecaster. But there’s bags of potential here.
Review date: 23 Oct 2007
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett