Doktor Cocacolamcdonalds: The One Man Rock Opera
Note: This review is from 2007
Review by Steve Bennett
In a festival littered with try-hard wackiness and contrived eccentricity, it is an utter delight to witness a treasure such as this: Doktor CocaColaMcDonalds is the real deal.With his white face makeup, Sixties-styled Lycra swimming trunks and wild hair a-flying the good Doktor launches into a series of songs and spoken word pieces powered by the squelchy analogue sounds and phat-free beats of his Casio keyboards, not to mention a special appearance by the brick-sized old skool Nintendo Gameboy.
With catchy numbers including a warning not to generalise (entitled: General Lies) and his global solution to Feed Celebrities To The Third World there is no problem persuading the audience to participate. This is so much fun we‚d be disappointed if we weren’t allowed to join in. Choruses are sung with gusto, hands shoot up when asked ‘how many of you…’ questions. Nobody wants to miss out on being part of this glorious, magical and hilariously shambolic late-night show.
There is a joy and wonder in the character of Doktor CocaColaMcDonalds - a total commitment to performance which only goes to highlight the shortcomings of others. It’s the difference between someone attempting to be peculiar and someone whose peculiarity could garner them a picture in the dictionary.
Go and see this show and then go and see it again.
Reviewed by: Janet McLeod
Review date: 1 Aug 2007
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett