Nick Griffin – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2007
Review by Steve Bennett
LA-based Nick Griffin is one smart operator; a man who’s lived and observed enough of life to give his set some insight, and the natural writing talent to turn it into delicious punchlines.Part of his set revolves around his personal experiences of being a 40-year-old divorcee with no money and an all-encompassing fixation with sex. It’s a rounded, real persona – his real life, not some jokey construct – and the gags benefit from the authenticity. When he talks about not drinking because he can never have ‘just the one’, you know he means it, but it’s not the prompt for major introspection, just the set-up for a great line.
The other strand of his act demonstrates an astute awareness of shifts in the way society works. It may be something as simple as the growing technical competence of the young, but it yields insightful, funny jokes that get right to the heart of the matter.
His delivery is slick, but subdued – but while it would benefit from a bit more energy, his perfectly crafted lines are so good it’s no major concern.
Kilkenny 2007 was his first trip this side of the Atlantic, but if he comes again, seek him out. Just don’t go mistakenly buying tickets for that other Nick Griffin, knuckle-dragging leader of the BNP, or you could get a nasty surprise.
Review date: 5 Jun 2007
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett