Snorri Hergill Kristjansson – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2007
Review by Steve Bennett
Think of jokes about Iceland, and you’ll probably instantly come up with something about the cold and maybe a pun about the frozen food store. Despite this unique and fascinating country being his homeland, Snorri Hergill Kristjansson takes things no further than that – so it comes as no surprise to find what he has to say about Britain is equally vapid, with little more than a few moans about sport and the vagaries of public transport.When he launches into a routine about masturbation, it doesn’t auger well – and when it came to the crushingly predictable payoff of how he upset everyone else in Boots at the time, all hope of him saying anything inventive is lost. Dreary stuff.
Review date: 20 May 2007
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett