Fiona McGary
Note: This review is from 2007
Review by Steve Bennett
Fiona McGary is a chatty comic – and there’s almost no stopping her when she’s on her favourite topic: herself.This Adelaide show, later transferring to Melbourne, is her first hour-long offering, and she fills the time by shooting the breeze amiably about the 33 countries she’s visited, the menial jobs she’s had in factories and waitressing, and even how Virgin lost her luggage en route from her native Brisbane.
What the show lacks, though, is much in the way of jokes – or even reason why we should care about these stories. Very little has been distilled into gags or anecdotes with punchlines, instead she’s just chewing the fat.
For instance, she’ll spend a couple of minutes telling us that earlier in the run she had a row of nerdy Girl Guides in the audience, simply because she thought it odd. If a gag lies in this, though, it remains buried – and that’s all-too typical of the show.
Only one line, an excellent comeback to the old ‘sticks and stones may break my bones’ advice stands out for a good reason. The most dated, obvious and overused routine about Baby On Board signs that first surfaced in the Eighties stands out for a bad one.
Overall, McGary seems like an amiable comic at ease on the stage. Shame she hasn’t got much material.
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett
Adelaide, March 2007
Review date: 28 Mar 2007
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett