Men With Bananas – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2007
Review by Steve Bennett
Men With Bananas will never fall foul of the Advertising Standards Authority. They’re two men – dressed somewhere between Worzel and long-distance truck drive - and they each bring a pulpy fruit of the musaceae family on to the stage.But if those clues weren’t enough to tell you what act you’re watching, most of their short set involves them repeating the words ‘Men With Bananas’; initially with various dramatic emphases, then to the tune of a few well-known movie themes, which they illustrate with suitable mimes.
It’s utterly daft stuff, and there’s certainly laughs to be had, even if they are only laughs at bewilderment that two grown men can be so puerile, and that they persist in ploughing through their silly pantomiming to such a ridiculous extreme.
Between this is some perfunctory double-act banter, over-rehearsed and full of fake spontaneity, that jollies the set along, but is far from hilarious.
It leaves them as a bonkers novelty act that can provide a welcome few minutes of strange variety to punctuate a night of stand-up – though how, or if, they grow from that will prove a challenge.
Review date: 22 Feb 2007
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett