Europe: We\'ve Created A Monster!!
Note: This review is from 2006
Review by Steve Bennett
This is a big show. Big budget, big screens, big performances and a big topic - Europe.
Yet even though the unification of fiercely independent states with thousands of years of cultural, political and linguistic differences is perhaps the most significant event since the war, with ramifications that will affect hundreds of millions of lives, Boom Chicago completely ignore it for a few cheap laughs.
Just because they know that Macedonia isn't a type of nut, this American improv group have a smug air about them. They want to let us know that they are not as ignorant as the rest of the world as most of their compatriots.
But if these Amsterdam-based comics have such a vast understanding of Europe, it's certainly not on display here.
There's no strong theme, or anything resembling an issue, here, just an excuse to trot out a few national stereotypes. And the nadir of the show, a lacklustre Weakest Link skit, gets its laughs from Polish jokes - the US equivalent of the stupid Irishman gags - proving not only that they are lazy enough to rely on such a tired cliche, but also that they couldn't even be bothered to adapt it for Europe.
There are a few good moments in this fast-paced mixture of sketches and improv, such as a routine about how different countries teach the history of the Second World War, but nothing memorable.
And the staging is undeniably impressive - pumping music, video segments made on the fly and commanding performances all round.
But ultimately it's all show and no substance. To use my own lazy cultural stereotype: how very American.
Review date: 1 Jan 2006
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett