Elliott Tiney – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2005
Review by Steve Bennett
Newcomer Elliott Tiney sounds very much like someone trying to be a stand-up; not an actual stand-up but rather how an actor might imagine one to be.
Sure, he's got a tiggerish energy, quickly and jollily rattling through his slick set, but it all feels a bit phoney, a bit too much like it's not really talking.
Aside from this showbizzy performance that doesn't convince, Tiney's material is patchy, too. Much of it is obsessed with superheroes, which might be as good a topic as any, but needs to go beyond the old 'Superman? Clark Kent? Why can no one see it's only the same guy with glasses' idea that he drives into the ground.
As an open spot, Tiney obviously still trying to find his comedy voice. He needs to look a lot harder.
Review date: 1 Nov 2005
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett