Pete Jonas – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2005
Review by Steve Bennett
A sleek, professional act, Jonas has clearly studied plenty of other stand-ups to ensure the pace, emphasis and rhythm of his delivery is spot-on.
It’s an effective, if impersonal, approach – redolent of the slick comics who dominate the American circuit, but so confident and engaging that it's guaranteed to hit the right buttons.
He plays fairly safe with the material, too, covering all the usual bases from broad-brush political material, relationships, drinking or simply just being Australian abroad; with a topical line or two help keep the mix fresh.
This ex-marketing man’s persona is similarly accessible, plays up the selfish, laddish elements of any male’s character but keeping it impishly cheeky.
Essentially, this is a comic who knows what he’s doing. He’s taken a blueprint and followed it scrupulously, creating a rock-solid act guaranteed to entertain, even if it’s at the expense of individuality.
Review date: 15 May 2005
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett