Luke Catterson – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2005
Review by Steve Bennett
This novice starts his set very slowly and unimpressively, with a rather aimless anecdote about carrying a sample of urine from the doctor’s
Once this is despatched with, however, this slow-burning comic quickly establishes himself as a vibrant storyteller with a wry, cynical streak with some inventive material.
Cynical in attitude, he serves up sharp, smart lines and some believable personal tales – and even when he revives the old news story about an angry mob torching a paediatrician’s house he gave it a twist so original, yet so apparently obvious, you wonder why no one thought of it before.
Add to the mix some engaging imagery and a quirky outlook, and you have an act likely to achieve great things on the circuit.
Review date: 1 Apr 2005
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett