Sy Thomas – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2005
Review by Steve Bennett
Thomas has cultivated the look and style of ‘quirky’ trendiness so beloved of E4 and MTV casting scouts: the gelled hair, the confident, matey manner and a self-conscious air of crazeee-ness (carefully moderated, of course).
While he thankfully avoids being quite as irritating as the bland stereotype he so neatly falls into, there’s still the feeling that, should you scratch his polished surface, you’ll find absolutely nothing there.
The material’s moderately amusing, a mix of creaky wordplay and dubious anecdotes, and the delivery as jolly as you might expect from an ex-drama student whose been to all the lectures on the rhythms and mannerisms of stand-up. Yet it’s so completely disposable – an act so similar to so many others that you’ll barely remember by the next interval, let alone the next day.
Review date: 5 Mar 2005
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett