Stan Francisco – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2004
Review by Steve Bennett
Jazz musician Francisco brings to the stage a saxophone and a cheery, amiable manner... the only thing he's forgotten is the jokes.
Instead he engages in some shallow audience cheerleading. Giving out names of pop stars, and encouraging shouts of 'wanker', or otherwise, in a rowdy popularity contest.
Admittedly , it can be quite fun: often a quick-witted punter will holler something stupidly funny, and the pack mentality can never be underestimated, especially when it involves yelling obscenities.
But Francisco has nothing to back it up with, other than a few shallow asides of the level of a Heat caption-writer. No surprise he can find himself out-funnied by the audience.
It's entertaining in a Butlin's warm-up sort of way, but you expect more from a comic than this, even a newish one like Francisco.
Great name, shame about the comedy.
Review date: 25 Apr 2004
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett