Victor Daniels – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2004
Review by Steve Bennett
Victor Daniels might have misjudged the mood of the refined Richmond audience Chortle saw him at with his: "Single women, make some noise" plea, which was surely designed for a more raucous occasion.
He soon recovered, though, for some amusing observations about his upbringing, with various relatives brought to life. Decent enough stuff,but that spark that distinguishes the brilliant from the workaday was missing - or at least flickering only weakly.
But his closing routine is his downfall : reading from a Noddy book, as if it had been written by a black author. Noddy wakes in the afternoon, has a 'Jamaican breakfast' of one big spliff, gets the munchies and collects his Giro. Not perhaps the most insightful of comedy but, more crucially, only sporadically funny.
Review date: 1 Feb 2004
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett