Mundo Jazz – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2003
Review by Steve Bennett
This is a painful act to sit through. Not because it's unfunny - there are some brilliant lines here - but because the pace of the act is frustratingly slow.
It may suit the laid-back character of a South American jazz legend, but creator Dan Freedman is so very slow at getting his routine under way, and all too willing to meander off at the slightest opportunity.
He can get bogged down in long and fruitless digressions with audience members - relying on an arsenal of stock put-downs when they answer - and his running gag about cocaine, inevitable for any South American character, wasn't worth returning too as often as he did.
But he also had some very good gags, most notably about the Abominable Snowman and the Loch Ness Monster that would have stood strongly in any stand-up's set - and you wonder why he needs the character, which only serves to slow him down.
The songs are a mixed bag, too, but the devastatingly good Oasis parody is a classic.
Review date: 1 Nov 2003
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett