Tommy Nicholson – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2003
Review by Steve Bennett
It's the sign of a good joke if it's funny even when you don't understand the reference.
Nicholson, on the other hand, relies on the fact that his Irish hometown of Navan is inherently funny - and that's it. If you have no idea of Navan's intrinsic comedic value, his set will leave you cold. If, like him, you think very mention if its name is hilarious, even for the 97th time in one set, you'll be in comedy heaven.
From his material, you get the impression that the town is a pikey stronghold, full of coarse council-estate losers. But it's other claim to fame is as the birthplace of the suave Pierce Brosnan - so the stereotype is blatantly nonsense.
Nicholson's entire set is of the 'what if this film/song/celebrity was based in Navan?' variety. Though 'variety' is probably the wrong word - this is strictly a one-gag, one-dimensional, one-laugh affair.
It's all charmlessly done, too, Nicholson simply shouts his material, and classily refers to women as bitches and 'who-ers'.
But the most depressing thing about this witless stuff is how well it goes down with his audience.
Review date: 1 Jun 2003
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett