Andy Zaltzman – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2002
Review by Steve Bennett
Zaltzman has set himself a difficult course, aiming as he does to blend big political ideas with surreal humour, and still keep it funny. And it's to his credit that he gets as many laughs as he does from this unique path. Who else, for example, would try a routine about 19th century art critic John Ruskin and his cat?
In longer sets, his material can become a little too convoluted for its own good, but when structured around a stong central device - such as the brilliant World Leader Top Trumps game - the intelligence really shines.
The all-encompassing ideas and his slightly geeky manner won't suit every audience - but it's their loss - and his performance skills are improving all the time.
On the whole, this is an ambitious act that successfully covers interesting political stuff without seeming preachy, thanks to a winning mix of whimsy and sarcastm.
Review date: 1 Oct 2002
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett