An Audience With Peter – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2002
Review by Steve Bennett
There's a long tradition of affectedly camp comedians trading in dirty double-entendres and even dirtier single ones.
Peter Tennant is the latest in this line, and although he doesn't add anything new to the genre, he does do it very well.
Looking and sounding the part, and possessing buckets of charm, you do forgive him a lot. But even so, it's easy to feel that you've heard all this before, combined with the occasional hint of nausea as some of his near-the-knuckle comments go straight through to the bone.
Not that audiences seem to mind, though, warming to this ubercamp comic and lapping up every off-colour comment. They even like his songs, even if they do combine the two favourite tricks of the unimaginative comedian - changing the lyrics to popular tunes, and relentless drug references.
Entertaining? Certainly. But not much else besides.
Review date: 1 Feb 2002
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett