Mickey Hutton – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2001
Review by Steve Bennett
All mouth and no trousers, Geordie Hutton's exuberant manner provides no cover for a scarcity of decent material.
His chief crime is underestimating the intelligence of his audience with the sort of simplistic, patronising 'aren't men and women different' guff that would have the author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus cringing.
Piercing observations include the earth-shattering news that girls enjoy romance films like Bridget Jones's Diary, whereas blokes prefer Die Hard.
His is a very simple world, in which he easily insults women as slags and blokes as puffs - regardless of whether they've done anything worthy of his ire. It's just the lazy comedy of cheap insults.
This unsophisticated 'oo-eer, aren't I rude' stance might go down all right with a rowdy crowd of inexperienced comedy-goers, but for the rest of us, it's all pretty unremarkable stuff.
Review date: 1 Jul 2001
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett