Bruce Griffiths – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2001
Review by Steve Bennett
This gaunt Aussie has a seemingly bottomless supply of deadpan one-liners, which quickly create their own beautiful twisted world.
Sometimes the off-kilter set-ups are so absurd that they signpost the punchline, though far more often the joke takes a genuinely unexpected turn within its tight form. And the sheer quantity of gags means that you're never far from a piece a brilliant comedy.
And just when you think you've sussed his style, Griffiths rounds up his act with a truly magic touch as all the previous gags come home to roost. You better have a good memory as this is an almost breathtaking, text-book example of how to reincorporate earlier gags for maximum impact.
Classy stuff indeed.
Review date: 1 May 2001
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett