Newsrevue – Original Review
Note: This review is from 2001
Review by Steve Bennett
There's no show that's updated as often as this topical satire. The scripts change weekly, and the cast every six weeks. Such a quick turnaround, and the sketch formula, means this is almost inevitably a hit an miss affair.
While it's true that some gags should have wound up in the writer's wastepaper bin rather than on stage, there are more than enough good gags to compensate - as well as two or three brilliantly inspired sketches.
The cast have to be talented and energetic to cope with the quickfire impressions, songs and accents demanded by the team of writers. And there's a certain concert party -style esprit de corps that generates a fun atmosphere, as the team struggle to create two dozen scenes and four dozen characters from a budget of virtually nothing.
There are probably just as many high points and low points as with a night of traditional stand-up, so worth a look if you fancy a change from the norm.
Review date: 1 Mar 2001
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett